
Assalamu'alaikum ♥ :)

a warm welcome i give to all..
thanks for stopping by :)
This's just a page for me to express what's hard
to be exclaimed..and..owh,u shOuld treAsure it urself :))
u'll know it better ^^

Friday, December 21, 2012

Because you are something that i can never reach..

Soal hati memang xde sape boley paksa..

❝..I love u, u love someone else.
Somebody loves U,but U love somebody else..❞

There's really no end to this ☹

And today••

The tears came out when
he wrote this..

❝..I Only can see u from far² away. Only God knows how much i miss u..❞

Yes i love u and u love someone else.

I keep mourning over u.. Because it's so much painful. Someone saw my pain and she simply uttered things that echo to my heart..

She said, do not think only about ur sadnesses. It's unfair. u're not gonna blame him when u understand how he feels.. Try to put urself in his shoes..
See, he's suffering too. Just like u are..
He's missing someone that never sees him, someone that doesn't even know that he loves her..

He keeps his feeling all the way round..


Owh I'm so sorry.. :'(

I did the same.. I feel the same..So now i know how u feel. I just can't blame u for not seeing me..u r totally not behind this.

Because the feelings, ain't the things that we can see. We feel. How they softly touch u so deep.. U won't be at ur conscious state to know they do.
So from now on..i will try my hardest, not to cry over u again..
When u're gonna say, u miss someone n u feel sad, I'm not gonna draw my tears out for not catching ur heart..
I'm gonna be there for u,whenever u need someone,in my prayer.. Yes whatever u wish for, my prayer will always be along with u..

I love u.. I'm not lying.. I miss u. And this is real.. Because i know where m i standing..and u're up there..this far distance surely won't help.

Because u r something that i can never reach..

Friday, October 12, 2012

Macbook air!

Owh God! This is crazy! I've fallen in love with that thinnest, lightest notebook apple has ever created.

Yeahh the design is surely well-known for its exclusive look. Ya! The one that apple always presents to its customer. No doubt, it has caught my eyes to buy it.

Haha and now ade hati nak beli.plus the current dell laptop I'm using is having problems. Repair n repair but ends up dying in the laptop bag.. :(

So i've started to save money for this macbook air. Owh i can't wait to buy and own it. Seriously this is so exciting. Amin amin may ᎯΙlah ease everything for me ❤

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hujan, tolong jangan pergi......

"Hujan, tolong jangan pergi...." Kata Awan

"Awan..., ada waktunya melepaskan itu lebih baik. Aku tidak sanggup melihatmu menanggung beban di dadamu hanya kerana tidak ingin aku pergi.".... Kata Hujan

"Tapi aku masih mampu..." Kata Awan

Hujan tersenyum sambil berkata:

"Ya, mungkin kau masih mampu. Tapi sampai bila kau akan mampu bertahan..?"

Awan terdiam....

"Aku harus patuh pada perintah Tuhan, dan kau harus akur pada takdirNya. Dia tahu betapa beratnya kau menanggung beban, kerana itu Dia perintahkan aku untuk turun ke bumi membasahi hamparan ciptaanNya yang Maha Agong, menyejukkan tanah-tanah gersang yang lebih memerlukan aku daripada kau perlukan aku." Kata Hujan

Didada Awan masih sedih, kesedihan itu membuatkan jiwa Awan terlalu mendung...

"Wahai Awan.. sungguh, kadang-kadang melepaskan itu lebih baik walaupun saat itu terasa begitu berat sekali. Tapi, Allah kan ada? Mengapa mahu bersedih?" Kata Hujan pada Awan..... Hujan sebak menahan perasaan...

"Pergilah kau Hujan. Aku rela demi Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu. Hanya demi Tuhanku aku redha... Terima Kasih Hujan. Mendengar kata-katamu, aku lebih mengenal siapa diriku." Kata Awan

Allahuuuuuu Rabbiiiiiiiiiiii... Selamat tinggal wahai Awan. Doakan aku bermanafaat untuk mereka yang lain.... Allahuakbar!!!!!!!" Jerit Hujan bersama guruh berdentum kuat...

Airmata Awan jatuh tanpa henti-henti kerana tersedar kembali, lalu insaf kerana selama ini cintanya pada Hujan melebihi cinta pada Ilahi.

Hujan pun turun bersama air mata. Sakit, saat melepaskan. Tapi Allah lebih tahu segalanya... Perasaan ini hanya sementara. Mungkin Langit tidak mengerti akan kesakitan Awan dan Hujan. Langit hanya menyaksikan. Tapi belum tentu Langit itu faham pengorbanan.

Awan.... Hujan menghadiahkanmu Pelangi. Kamu lihat bukan?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today's family hangout!!
Sempat jumpe my baby...<3

Friday, September 28, 2012

Puasa Hari Putih & Kelebihannya

Puasa (bahasa Arab: صوم) secara bahasanya boleh diertikan sebagai menahan diri. Daripada segi istilah syara' bermaksud menahan diri daripada makan atau minum untuk suatu jangka masa tertentu.
Puasa ertinya menahan diri daripada makan dan minum serta segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai dari terbit fajar sehinggalah terbenam matahari. Umat Islam juga dikehendaki menahan diri daripada menipu, mengeluarkan kata-kata buruk atau sia-sia, serta bertengkar atau bergaduh. Ini kerana puasa merupakan medan latihan memupuk kesabaran, kejujuran serta bertolak ansur sesama sendiri. Secara tidak langsung amalan puasa akan menyuburkan sikap murni di dalam diri pelakunya.

Islam menganjurkan setiap pemeluknya untuk memperbanyak ibadah sunnah, salah satunya adalah puasa putih. Ibadah ini merupakan puasa sunnah yang dilakukan setiap tanggal 13, 14 dan 15 setiap bulan. Namun, khusus untuk bulan Dzulhijjah puasa ini hanya boleh dilakukan pada tanggal 14 dan 15.

Apakah fadhilat berpuasa pada hari-hari putih?

Diriwayatkan juga dari Qatadah bin Milhan (ملحان) r.a. yang menceritakan; “Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan kami supaya berpuasa pada hari-hari putih iaitu hari ke 13, 14 dan 15 di mana baginda bersabda;
“Berpuasa pada ketiga-tiga hari itu seumpama berpuasa sepanjang masa” (Riwayat Imam Abu Daud).

Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah berpesan kepada Abu Zarr r.a.;
“Wahai Abu Zarr! Apabila kamu berpuasa tiga hari dari setiap bulan, maka berpuasalah pada hari ke 13, 14 dan 15”. (Riwayat Imam at-Tirmizi. Menurut beliau; hadis ini hasan soheh)

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.;
“Berpuasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan seumpama berpuasa sepanjang masa” (HR Imam al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abdullah bin ‘Amru r.a.).

Abu Hurairah r.a. juga pernah menceritakan;
“Temanku (yakni Rasulullah SAW) telah mewasiatkanku dengan tiga perkara;
1. Berpuasa tiga hari pada setiap bulan.2. Mengerjakan dua rakaat solat dhuha.3. Menunaikan solat witir sebelum aku tidur”.(Riwayat Imam Bukhari dan Muslim)

Kenapa dinamakan Hari Putih?

Hari-hari tersebut dinamakan sebagai “أيام البيض” (hari-hari putih) kerana pada malam-malamnya bulan mengambang dan cerah.

Jika kita tidak dapat puasa pada hari-hari yang pertengahan, tidak mengapa. Kita boleh sahaja memilih hari apa untuk kita berpuasa asalkan ia 3 hari dalam sebulan. (Khas untuk kaum hawa) Yang dimaksudkan puasa pada pertengahan bulan itu adalah hari yang afdhal kerana Nabi SAW sendiri yang melakukannya. Ikutkan lelaki lagi senang berpuasa pada hari-hari pertengahan ni. Maka beruntunglah wahai kaum Adam :)

Rebutlah peluang selagi kita masih bernafas di muka bumi Allah ini

Raudhatul-Muttaqien, jil. 3, hlm. 261.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The world is leaving u behind..

When u see others having a smooth journey ahead in their lives..

But u c urself standing still by mountains..

with hope seems 2 slowly
fade away..

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rasulullah SAW..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t :)

I woke up so early this morning. Yeahh that's a good start of the day.
Like usual, my whole family will berjemaah subuh at masjid ibrahimi, quite nearby my house..but only if we drive our car there !

Today is different. I feel it so different. I feel that a piece of puzzle is missing in me. Every morning, my mom will turn on tvAlhijrah channel. And by that time, i heard a song that catches my heart, with such a melancholy piece of rhythm, beautiful but full of thoughtful meanings.. It was telling about IF Rasulullah SAW is still alive..

I don't know what u people will feel about it once u heard how the lyrics rhyme.. But for me, it touches me really deep...

Lately there's so many crimes n murders among kafirun laknatullah towards us, muslims.. I cant imagine how they were killed like animals! Like we have no souls n feelings! We don't call it as BAD anymore, it is DEVIL.

Killing ppl n destroying others' life. That's so wicked, rotten, and nasty..!

I can feel how they long for Rasulullah SAW to be there, to inspire them n let them stay strong. To make them realise, don't be sad cause this life is only a temporary n the life in hereafter is forever..

Even me here feel that i need Rasulullah to stay alive.. Because i might not be evil like this if i can see him giving faith to stay in the right path though there are so many obstacles waiting me ahead..

Owh Rasulullah..
I miss U really really miss U.

I am the one who is guilty, who commit sins everyday n every night..
Forgive me ya ᎯΙlah...

I hope that one day, when Allah calls me to go home there, He will place me among the solihin and mujahidin.. And most importantly with Rasulullah..

"..ummati.. Ummati.. Ummati.."

Ya Rasulullah..
Ur loves towards us are so deep..
U care much for ur ummah..

But ruefully we have taken u for granted....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

To my future husband..

Saya tak minta yg terlalu SOLEH,
sebab saya pun tak lah SOLEHAH mn..
Saya tak minta yg bergelar USTAZ, sebab saya lg jauh utk bergelar USTAZAH..
Nak minta yg KAYA,
saya pun TAK KAYA,
hanya sekadar apa yg ada..
Nak minta yg HENSEM,
saya tak la CANTIK sgt,
sekadar hamba sesempurna kejadian yang ALLAH ciptakan..
Nak minta yg BERPANGKAT,
saya hanya seorg HAMBA..

Cukuplah sekadar yg MEMAHAMI dan MENERIMA diri seadanya..
Cukuplah yang ada AGAMA di hati dan mengamalkannya serta sama² mencari jalan ke Syurga apabila bahtera di layar dan masjid di bina..

Cukuplah yang sama² saling MEMBANTU dlm susah dan senang mengharungi lautan dunia.. :)

Beauty and the Beast~

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast

# u r the beauty and I'm the beast but i can barely sure, i wish for a long-lasting love to be us... Insya Ꭿllah :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Upgrading from iPhone 4S to iPhone 5? A need or a wish~

By Chris Martin | PC Advisor | 18 September 12

A lot of people will be upgrading to the iPhone 5 from their old 3GS or earlier iPhone. iPhone 4 owners will probably be easily persuaded, too. But Apple's iPhone evolution usually allows owners to skip a generation without too much worry – so if you have a iPhone 4S, either on contract or bought outright, should you upgrade to the iPhone 5?

It's a tricky and interesting question to answer and no doubt why you have ended up here looking for some help or even an outright answer. Everyone's situation will vary, from mid-contract to SIM-free, so we can't give tailored advice but the following will be food for thought.

We'll split the article up into reasons for and against upgrading from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5. Some elements will appear under both categories since they have both pros and cons to them.

Reasons to upgrade to the iPhone 5

For the first time, Apple has increased the size of the iPhone's screen. It's 4in compared to 3.5in, therefore it has more space for content. Possibly more important is the fact it has a 16:9 ratio rather than Apple's favoured 3:2 making it more suitable for movies and TV.

"For big-time entertainment, iPhone 5 lets you watch widescreen HD video in all its glory — without letterboxing." said Apple.

The iPhone 5 has an A6 processor, as we predicted. This is, as you would expect, faster than the A5 chip found in the iPhone 4S. According to Apple, it's twice as fast in both processing power and graphics. In theory this means you can doing things quicker, like open apps and browse the web and get higher frame rates for gaming.

Thinner and lighter
It was a bit disappointing when the iPhone 4S used the same design as the iPhone 4. But the iPhone 5 is both thinner and lighter than the 4S. It's 18 percent thinner at 7.6mm and 20 percent lighter at 112g. Despite the larger screen, the total volume of the phone is 12 percent less than the iPhone 4S.

4G mobile broadband
The iPhone 5 is the first iPhone to support 4G in the UK. Faster mobile broadband on-the-go is a good reason to upgrade. The small problem with this at the moment is that 4G hasn't launched in the UK yet so you'll have to wait a while. It's also worth noting that EE will be the only network able to offer 4G services for iPhone 5 users for around a year. And there's even worse news for O2 and Vodafone iPhone users – see later.

Battery life
Thanks partly to the A6 processor, the iPhone 5 offers better battery life than the 4S so this is a good reason to make the jump. Apple says you'll get an hour browsing the web over Wi-Fi, an extra two hours over 3G plus 25 more hours of standby time.

Although the iPhone 5 costs a little more than your old iPhone 4 or 4S did, you can help pay for the upgrade by selling your old iPhone. You're likely to get aaround £150 for an iPhone 4 in good condition, and over £200 for an iPhone 4S. iPhone 3GS owners could get up to £100 for their ancient technology.

The latest thing
Unlike the iPhone 4 vs 4S, it's now more obvious you have the latest iPhone. So if you simply want to be seen with the latest device, it makes sense to upgrade.

Reasons not to upgrade to the iPhone 5

Software - iOS 6
If you want the latest software features, you will get them on the iPhone 4S. In fact you'll get iOS 6 on 19 September, before the iPhone 5 even hits the shelves. Previous iPhones have had exclusive features, Siri on the iPhone 4S for example, but the iPhone 5 doesn't get any exclusives.

The iPhone 4 isn't quite so lucky. You can install iOS 6 on the iPhone 4, but you'll lack: turn-by-turn navigation and flyover in Maps, Siri, FaceTime over 3G, and Panorama

iOS 6 won't work with the original iPhone or the iPhone 3G. On the iPhone 3GS, these iOS 6 features won't work: turn-by-turn navigation and flyover in Maps, shared Photo Streams, FaceTime, Siri, Panorama photography mode, and Offline Reading List.

Bigger screen
We've listed the screen as a reason to not upgrade because you might be so used to the classic 3.5in size that you don't want a larger screen. After all, some content on the iPhone 5, such as the App Store and photos, will be displayed centred with black borders around it.

If you're still in the middle of a contract on the iPhone 4S then this could be a reason not to upgrade. Since the contract is a legal agreement you could be charged for ending it early. It's always worth speaking to your mobile operator to discuss an early upgrade.

We mentioned 4G as a reason to upgrade but it's also a reason you might want to hold off. The bottom line is that EE will be the only 4G provider for the foreseeable future. Orange and T-Mobile customers will be able to upgrade easily since they are owned by EE.

However, other networks, including Three, O2 and Vodafone, won't be able to provide 4G until the latter part of next year, as it stand at the moment. There's also the important point that the iPhone 5 won't work on O2 or Vodafone's 4G networks even when they are rolled out.

Furthermore, 4G will be rolled out gradually over the coming months and only in certain cities, so you'll be stuck with 3G unless you're in an area with 4G coverage. If you don't live or work in one of the 4G cities, it's pretty pointless paying for it.

So, if you don't fancy moving to EE to get your 4G then it's best to wait until around this time next year for a bigger choice, and probably a new iPhone that supports more 4G spectrums.

Faster processor
If you don't use any intensive apps on your iPhone then you probably won't notice the difference between the A5 and A6 chips. You won't need the extra processing power and after all, the 4S is capable phone so we're sure it will run iOS 6 smoothly.

Lightning connector
The iPhone 5 uses a smaller docking connector called Lightning. This means your existing accessories will need an adaptor, which costs £25 at the least. Each. There's also a chance that your accessories won't even work with the iPhone 5.

We do expect cheaper Lightning adaptors to become available via Hong Kong eBay sellers in the weeks after the iPhone 5's launch, however. That said any adaptor, even one designed by Apple, is going to spoil the look of your beloved accessories.

There as been no big improvements to the camera - it's a marginal upgrade. The iPhone 5's Sapphire lens should produce sharper images, and work better in low light conditions. The front camera is better, but not a reason in itself to upgrade unless your phone is your main camera and you take a lot of snaps. See our iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S comparison for more details.

Wideband audio (HD voice)
In order to benefit from HD voice calls, both of users need to be using phones which support it, and also a network that supports it. So, for most of the time, even if you have an iPhone 5, you won’t benefit from HD voice calls.

Software - iTunes 10.7
Owners of very old Macs have a problem: The iPhone 5 requires iTunes 10.7, which doesn't work with PowerPC-based Macs – only Macs with Intel processors. (The same is true for new 5G iPod touch and 7G iPod nanos, which also require iTunes 10.7.)

Why? Because iTunes 10.7 requires OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, which was the first version of Mac OS X with no support for PowerPC Macs. iTunes 10.7 can go as far back as Windows XP Service Pack 2 on the PC side.

That said, people desiring the iPhone 5 will most likely have an up-to-date desktop or laptop computer. The last PowerPC Mac was sold in August 2006 – before the iPhone even existed!

Storage remains the same
The iPhone 5 comes with the same non-expandable 16/32/64GB storage capacities as the iPhone 4S. Apple also sells an 8GB iPhone 4 if you're really pinched for cash and don't download much.

Better earphones available separately
The iPhone 5 comes with Apple's new EarPods, which are a snugger fit in the ear, leak less noise (great for commuters) and offer better sound quality. Read our Apple EarPods review. But you can buy these separately for £25 so you don't need to change your whole phone to get better headphones.

Accessories won't fit
We've mentioned the need for not-exactly-cheap dock adaptors for your speakers, keyboards, in-car iPhone gadgets and other accessories, due to the iPhone 5's use of the smaller Lightning docking connector. Now consider that expensive leather iPhone 4 or 4S case you own. Where you could slip a 4S into an iPhone 4 case, you'll need to replace it for the iPhone 5. Or maybe you use a Mophie battery pack case that will require buying all over again – even if the iPhone 5's battery life is improved, your ability to keep it charged is just as flawed as it was beforehand.

NFC missing
The iPhone 5 doesn't support near-field communications (NFC) technology. This means that it can't be used as a digital wallet for contactless payments in stores. NFC can also be used to share information between devices and pair accessories quickly. See: iPhone 5 - why no NFC?

Apple doesn't seem to think users need or want NFC for these purposes and instead Passbook in iOS 6 does a similar job. You might disagree with Apple and really want to use your phone for making payments and such like. This is why it might be a reason for you not to upgrade.

So should you upgrade to the iPhone 5?

Got an original iPhone, iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS? Upgrade.

Got an iPhone 4? The above reasons to upgrade are compelling – unless it's the 4G you're after and you're in contract with O2 or Vodafone. But the iPhone 4 remains a powerful smartphone. Indeed Apple's still selling a version.

The upgrade from an iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5 is, however, a tough call and will depend on your situation.

Key things to consider are whether the iPhone 5 features will benefit you and whether it's worth the hassle of changing contracts or even mobile operators, plus the many thorny issues surrounding 4G.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blajar masak chicken chop!

Just now came across this recipe. And yup! Looks so tempting n delicious!! Yummey yummey :)

Ok lets figure it out. Seems like it's ez to prepare. Yeay let's start cooking :))


2 keping dada ayam atau bahagian peha boneless
1 sudu kecil kicap pekat atau kicap manis*
2 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam*
2 inci halia*
1/2 biji bawang besar ( saiz sederhana)*
2 ulas bwg putih*
1/2 kiub pati ayam maggi*
Untuk salutan ( sedikit tepung gandum, 1 biji telur yang telah dikocak dan 1 cawan serbuk roti)

Kisar semua bahan yang bertanda * dengan 1/2 cawan air hingga hancur, kemudian cucuk ayam tadi dengan garpu, gaul ayam dengan bahan kisar dan perap 2 atau 3 jam di dalam bekas bertutup, simpan dalam peti ais, setelah diperap, ambil ayam tadi dan lumur sedikit dengan tepung gandum, next salut telur dan akhir sekali salut pula dengan serbuk roti, goreng hingga garing.

Untuk Sos lada hitam

Ambil lebihan bahan perapan tadi dan masukkan dalam periuk kemudian campur dengan 1/2 cawan air dan masak hingga mendidih, sesuaikan rasa, masukkan sedikit garam, gula dan lada sulah, dan masukkan bancuhan tepung katakuriko ( tepung kentang) boleh juga di ganti dengan tepung jagung, untuk pekatkannya..Kalau ade minyak bijan masukkan 1 sudu kecil, sos lada hitam akan lebih sedap dan wangi, sos lada hitam ni juga boleh di curahkan pada kentang putar dan pada ayam yang telah siap digoreng tadi.

kentang putar
4 biji kentang saiz sederhana
1 sudu besar marjerin atau butter
1/3 cawan susu segar
lada sulah

Setelah kentang di rebus dan empuk, toskan dan lecek terus sementara kentang masih panas, kemudian masukkan kembali dalam periuk dan curahkan susu dan marjerin, kacau sebati, akhir sekali masukkan lada sulah dan kacau hingga semuanya mesra dan agak pekat, angkat dan ketepikan.

1/4 biji Kobis saiz kecil
1/2 batang Corrot
1/2 biji Bawang besar
3 sudu besar Mayonis
sedikit garam dan gula

Kobis,lobak merah, bawang besar di cincang halus, masukkan mayonis, gula serta garam, kacau sebati dan sejukkan di dalam peti ais.

Cara penyediaan

- Susun ayam di dalam pinggan, sudukan kentang putar, coselaw dan atur salad serta tomato, kemudian curahkan sos lada hitam di atas kentang putar dan ayam, sedia untuk dihidangkan.

Selamat Mencuba 😍

Tuhan da aturkan~

huh,sometimes it's terribly hard to understand quite well what life is..
im so confused and sometimes wonder how to get through all of these...
the matter started one day when i met a person.
but let me tell u first how am i living my life.
well friends,im quite nerd when compared to other ppl lives. but what's good about my life is,im really far from those jackass and those outcast.im free from social problem. yes i do!!
so according to my description,u might know how my life keep cycling everyday- who might be my friends,what am i doing everyday,n bla bla..u know,i never have friends that keep me laughing everytime.all i know is i have to study smart,i got so many responsibilities to carry on.i got no choices cause i love my parents. im afraid of hurting them. then the story starts. i know a guy. at first,i din trust him AT ALL. he got all the things that i hate-smokin, that terpacak lagi pnye rambut, lepak2x ngn kawan malam2x..complete! i hate him,yeah sure i am.. but he keeps approaching me.wah,that's so irritating. everytime im on9, i know he will say hello and said something to let me know he's there..

and one day,
i gave response to him.
i replied what he wrote to me..

ape motif sy tules sume mende ni??
tataw la.tp baru sy sedar,hidup sy berubah once i know him closer.
he's not that bad,like what i thought about him at first. he got something good inside him,
and i knew it once i discovered it myself.dy boley dbuat kwn.
seriously he is..

and me?owh lupa nak cakap.
im a medicine student. stress and hectic is finely mixed with me.
i am really depressed of what i have to face in my daily life.
i affirm,when i know him,i feel my life is even better, i feel stress,but less than before.
he keeps me smiling. hahahaha..

Benarkah perkahwinan itu melengkapkan separuh dari iman

Setiap muslim perlu memiliki disiplin apabila menerima ilmu agama, yakni dengan memastikan dalil-dalil yang diterima memiliki rujukannya, lagi sahih darjatnya. Jangan sekadar menerima sesuatu ayat al-Qur’an melainkan diketahui nama surah dan nombor ayat, supaya kelak boleh merujuk kembali kepada ayat tersebut. Jangan sekadar menerima sesuatu hadis Rasulullah melainkan diketahui siapakah imam hadis yang meriwayatkannya dan apakah darjat hadis tersebut.

Merujuk kepada hadis perkahwinan ialah separuh agama, maka lafaznya adalah seperti berikut. Rasulullah bersabda: Apabila seorang hamba menikah, maka sungguh dia telah menyempurnakan separuh agamanya. Maka hendaklah dia bertaqwa kepada Allah pada separuh yang selebihnya. Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam al-Baihaqi dan dinilai hasan (baik) oleh Syaikh al-Albani dalam Shahih al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, no: 1916-B.

Maksud menyempurnakan separuh agamanya ialah bagi menerangkan keutamaan tuntutan perkahwinan dalam Islam. Sebegitu utama sehingga ia dapat menyempurnakan separuh dari agama seseorang.

Selain itu, ia juga bermaksud perkahwinan ialah jalan untuk masing-masing pasangan berkhidmat dan berbuat baik kepada satu sama lain sehingga ia menjadi ibadah yang menjana banyak pahala. Apabila suami keluar bekerja keras mencari nafkah untuk keluarga, maka ia adalah ibadah baginya. Apabila isteri sibuk mengurusi suami, anak-anak dan rumah, ia menjadi ibadah baginya. Apabila suami memberi didikan agama kepada keluarga, ia menjadi ibadah baginya. Apabila isteri menasihati suami dalam urusan agama, ia menjadi ibadah baginya. Oleh itu kehidupan dialam perkahwinan sangat banyak membuka jalan bagi suami dan isteri beribadahsehingga ia seolah-olah menyempurnakan separuh dari agama mereka.

Dalam hadis ini juga terdapat petunjuk bahawa perkahwinan bukan sekadar suka-suka sehingga ia dilakukan tanpa ilmu, pengorbanan dan niat yang betul. Seandainya perkahwinan itu dibiarkan begitu sahaja sehingga masing-masing suami dan isteri mengabaikan peranan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing, ia tidak lagi menjadi separuh dari agama. Bahkan ia menjadi separuh dari sebab yang mendekatkan mereka ke arah neraka.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Melancholy piece of rhythm

Without i myself realise.. I cried again... Again n again...what happen to me... This is not the first time I've been hurt. It has been thousands times..

Is that my heart is a steel for u?
For u have done so many tricks n treats to crush it to dust..
I am not a robot. I do have feelings.. I do have nightmares when i feel down n lost. I do have tears running down my face when i cry. I'm no extraordinary! I'm just me, a typical human being, just like u..

But y?
Y u cant understand this simple humanity need?
U want to be treated nicely,
U want someone respect u
And never ever back-stab u,
And so do I..
But y u did so....

Is there anymore hopes that i can hold onto?
my heart has had enough..
If one day u will never be mine,
What more can i say?
Cause I'm just a slave of Him..
I can do nothing..
Just accepting the fate of my life..
I'm a forever loner..

Yes I'm alone...

Friday, September 14, 2012

We have crossed so many things. Ups and downs.. But thank God we're still together though sky wont always be blue~

I love u my love

If u r there, u r stronger than what u have been thinking

Have u ever felt that the whole world was so dark and empty?
Have u ever felt that ur life was so pathetic n u really don't wanna pursue it anymore?

I have..

I have figured it out how it felt.
It was so damn terrible, mysterious n so misery..
I had myself cried for many days and the whole dark nights..
I was too sad n lost my way :'(

I thought that life was really over...

But Allah knew all ur sadness..
Allah knew all ur suffers n pains..
Allah had something far more precious than u have had before..

Despite of having those gloomy days.. Try to look up into the skies..
Everything happens for a reason.
He never wants u to be tested without having any plans waiting for u ahead..
He just wants u to keep believing in him, keep urself remember him..

Allah is always with us..
Just don't be sad..
Everything will be alright..

Trust him..

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Then i try and try..

I keep trying.. Lifting up my skull upon the sky.. Tonight it's full with beautiful shining stars..subhanallah..

Sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu sangat dekat :')

I have to keep believing in Him. As long as I'm alive, he will never leave me.. Thanks Allah for those countless blessings.. I'm the one who din satisfy, i cant take control of my wants.. And now i know, U have given me so much more than what iv been needing and wanting..

I miss U.. Medic

Yes, my room is full with the folded and used tissue papers. These tears keep running down my face. Owh i feel so sad but i don't know to whom i can exclaim all those terrible, weeping emotions in me out loud..

I failed again.. Again and again..
Though i somehow feel like i knew it this could happen but seriously, no one wants to fall down repeatedly.no one wants to stop praying for a good thing to happen. This is my 3rd time and this 3rd time is the worst one. Y? Because i highly have probability to go back home, to malaysia. True, i wanna go home. But not because I'm failed! I wanna come back as a doctor. Seriously i wanna cry and cry and cry....

Y so suddenly my sponsorship has to be in this phase? Do they know that they might ruin my future in a blink of eyes? I have no other options to choose. I have no money, no spirits, no future.. :'(

Then this one induced me to stay quiet. Though i wanna speak and talk to anyone else, but it seems like my lips are sealed tightly. Iv tried talking.. But my tears will start falling. Each time i heard someone says "doc", my heart shrinks and my body weakens. I miss my study now.... I'm not lying cause i love medicine more than i think i do. And when i heard that i had to give up this, that sadness let me know that to be chosen to study medicine... it's the best thing that Allah has gifted to me.. But i never appreciate it, i took it for granted. I m wrong now but there's no use to regret...

I pray that.. They'll give one more chance to change everything. Let me try one more time cause i wanna be a doc so much.. I really want to.. Ya Allah.. Grant my wish.. I wanna be a doc someday.. Help me :'

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A story of a heart broken girl...

I still cant let u go.. No matter what..
It's so suffocating and i try really hard to forget but
Unfortunately i can do nothing. I'm aslave of unpure love,
The one-sided and terrible one.. How could u.. :'

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


u'r like a distant star..
i can see u clearly. everyone around u, 
could see ur smile n talk to u. but me? 

enough to have a glance on ur face far from distance.. 

i miss u so much.. no words can describe how i miss u..

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Sometimes u wish that everyone could read ur mind,see ur suffers, so they can whisper something that could recalm u. But that wont happen, those things will always remain undone.

I hate myself, i hate being me. Im a troublesome girl w thousands of complications, nobody knows it. Cause when im sad, i'll put myself away from everyone else, and hide my pain behind the fake smile iv hardly created. Owh Allah.. Make me strong....