
Assalamu'alaikum ♥ :)

a warm welcome i give to all..
thanks for stopping by :)
This's just a page for me to express what's hard
to be exclaimed..and..owh,u shOuld treAsure it urself :))
u'll know it better ^^

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What would u feel?

What would u feel,
When someone says u're like
a burden to them.
Despite what you've been thru,
the thicks n thin, thru the darker sides
of theirs. 
Never once, u question why

U get those words in return..

Monday, June 2, 2014

Infaq untuk pembaikan masjid E-Siddiquya

I came across this facebook page,
*boley refer* and i think it's a very big
chance for us to grab this opportunity
utk infaq, n insyaAllah sbg our sedekah
jariah :)

As stated in one hadith: 

عن أبي هريرة رضى الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : 
إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: 
صدقة جارية 
أو علم ينتفع يه 
أو ولد صالح يدعو له

Maksud hadis :

Daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘Anhu katanya,, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda : Jika anak Adam meninggal, maka amalnya terputus kecuali dari tiga perkara, sedekah jariyah (wakaf), ilmu yang bermanfaat, dan anak soleh yang berdoa kepadanya.'' (HR Muslim).

Sumbangan boley disalurkan ke:


Bagi yang berada di Malaysia,
infaq boleh disalurkan melalui akaun
khusus kami iaitu:

1. CIMB Islamic

No. akaun : 7601551467

2. Maybank 

No. Akaun : 163019522579

Harap maklum.

Here are the info about the mosque:

General information

Masjid E Siddiquiya yang terletak di daerah Davangere, Karnataka ini merupakan sebuah masjid yang telah berusia hampir 18 tahun dan adalah antara masjid utama umat Islam di daerah ini. Ia telah mula dibina pada tahun 1996 atas usaha penduduk tempatan dan mula berfungsi pada bulan Ramadhan tahun tersebut. 

Masjid yang merupakan pusat aktiviti masyarakat setempat ini pada asalnya hanya berukuran lebih kurang 30 x 40 kaki persegi dan setinggi dua tingkat, terletak di antara tiga buah kawasan penempatan iaitu Vinobagar, Najalingga layout dan MCC A Block yang menampung kira-kira 3000 umat Islam. Dianggarkan setiap kali solat fardu seramai 120-150 orang jemaah akan turut serta hadir ke masjid ini menunaikan kewajipan mereka. Jumlah jemaah yang hadir biasanya akan bertambah pada bulan Ramadhan dan hari-hari kebesaran Islam seperti eid ul-fitri dan eid al-adha sehingga memenuhi setiap penjuru masjid. Hal ini kerana ramai kerabat dan ahli keluarga penduduk setempat akan pulang untuk bersama keluarga mereka.

Masjid ini diselenggarakan secara sukarela oleh Taiveed-Ul-Quran Educational Trust, sebuah pertubuhan penduduk tempatan yang terdiri daripada 9 orang ahli jawatankuasa, yang bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan masjid sentiasa dalam keadaan baik selain mengumpul dan menjaga hal-hal kewangan masjid. Sumber kewangan utama masjid ini hanyalah daripada infaq dan kutipan pada setiap hari jumaat. Hasil kutipan bulanan yang diperoleh daripada orang ramai itu biasanya akan digunakan untuk aktiviti penyelenggaraan masjid serta sebahagiannya diperuntukkan untuk elaun kepada imam dan muazzin yang bertugas.

Masjid ini juga menjadi tumpuan utama pelajar Malaysia dan beberapa pelajar dari negara lain yang belajar dalam bidang perubatan dan pergigian di daerah Davangere ini.


Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan di masjid :

1) Kelas-kelas Agama (Madrasah Nazera)

Kelas asas peringkat nazera ini adalah usaha murni untuk memberi pendedahan dan bimbingan awal kepada kanak-kanak berusia tiga hingga tujuh tahun dalam mendalami ilmu agama disamping menguasai Bahasa Arab. Kelas ini diadakan dua kali sehari iaitu pada waktu pagi dan petang setiap hari. Antara perkara yang diajar di situ ialah:
- Al-Quran & tajwid 
- Fardhu ain
- Hadis

2) Tabligh

Masjid ini juga menerima jamaah tabligh dari dalam dan luar negara, sebagai salah satu aktiviti dakwah utama yang dijalankan disini. Kira-kira dua hingga tiga jemaah tabligh akan hadir pada setiap bulan untuk berkongsi ilmu mereka demi manfaat bersama.

3) Masjid wa Jamat

Ia adalah usaha untuk membantu para jemaah yang mempunyai masalah dalam segala bentuk kesusahan.Masjid bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan jemaah dalam menjalankan aktiviti takaful (saling tolong menolong) antara satu sama lain.Mengumpulkan dana dan juga tenaga untuk golongan yang memerlukan

4) Sambutan Hari Kebesaran Islam

Masjid ini juga menjadi tumpuan utama pada setiap sambutan hari kebesaran Islam seperti eid-ul fitri, eid ul-adha, dan maulidurrasul. Justeru penamabah baikan bertujuan memberi keselesaan untuk para jemaah menunaikan hari-hari kebesaran islam secara bekerjasama sebagai contoh solat sunat hari raya, urusan korban dan pembagian daging korban kepada penduduk tempatan.


Bagi memastikan penambah baikan Masjid E Siddiquiya berjalan lancar dan kemas, para pelajar membantu ahli jawatankuasa masjid untuk sama-sama mengutip infaq yang diberi daripada pelbagai pihak. Masjid ini terletak kurang daripada 1km daripada kediaman para pelajar dan menjadi tumpuan kami untuk menjalankan aktiviti kerohanian bersama penduduk tempatan.

Usaha ini adalah usaha sukarela para pelajar perubatan dan pergigian Malaysia di Davangere serta para pelajar lain di beberapa lokaliti di India.

Para pelajar Davangere terdiri daripada pelajar jurusan perubatan dan pergigian yang telah memulakan sesi pelajaran sejak tahun 2008 di tiga buah kolej iaitu Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College (JJMC) sebuah institusi menawarkan bidang perubatan kepada pelajar, serta dua buah institusi bidang pergigian Bapuji Dental College and Hospital (BDCH) dan College Of Dental Science (CODS). Tempoh pengajian untuk bidang perubatan adalah selama 5 tahun setengah manakala untuk bidang pergigian adalah selama 4 setengah tahun. Majoriti pelajar adalah beragama islam dan bergiat aktif dalam aktivii jemaah yang dianjurkan masjid. 

Sebarang maklumat lanjut boleh mesej kami melalui page ini atau hubungi:

1. Syafiq Haziq 
Mobile: +919902574575 (India), +60133157585

2. Mohd, Amirul Asyraf 


E Siddiquiya Mosque is located in the District of Devangere, Kartanaka. This mosque was almost 18 years old and it is one of the main mosques for the Muslims in this area. It was first built in 1996 on the efforts of locals and began functioning in the Ramadhan during the same year.

The mosque is also functioning as a hub for the locals was originally only approximately 30x40 square feet and it is located between the three residential areas which is Vinobagar, Najalinga layout and MCC A Block that accommodate about 3,000 Muslims. It is estimated that every time of fardhu prayers, total of 120-150 Muslims will come to the mosque to meet their obligations. The number of congregations will increase during Ramadan and the Islam’s days of greatness such as Eid Ul-Fitri and Eid Al-Adha up to meet each of the corners of the mosque. This is because many relatives and family members of the locals are returning home to be with their families.

The mosque is maintained voluntarily by the Taiveed-Ul-Quran Educational Trust, an organization of locals made up of 9 members of the committee that is responsible for ensuring that the mosque is always in good condition apart from collecting and keeping the financial affairs of the mosque. The mosque’s main source of income is from an infaq and the collection on every Friday. The monthly collections earned from the public are usually used for the maintenance of the mosque and partially assigned for an allowance to the imam and muazzin on duty.

The mosque also has been a main focus for Malaysian students and some students from other countries who are studying in medicine and dentistry in Davangere.

Mosque Activities

Activities carried out in the mosque are:

1-Religious classes (Madrasah Nazera) 

This basic class of nazera’s level is a noble effort to expose and guide children aged 3 to 7 years old in the learning the religious as well as mastering the Arabic language. These classes were held twice a day, in the morning and evening every day. Among the subjects taught there are: 
- Al-Quran and tajwid
- Fardhu Ain
- Hadith


This mosque was also received a tablighs from within and outside the country, as one of the main missionary activities carried out here. About 2 to 3 tablighs shall come every month to share their knowledge for the sake of mutual benefit.

3-Masjid wa Jamaah

It is an effort to help congregations who have problems in all forms of distress. The mosque’s purpose is also to gather congregations in takaful activities (helping each other) among the communities. Other than that, it is also intended to collect financial funds and work force for those in need.

4-Celebration of Islam’s greatness days

This mosque was also a focal point on every Islam celebration days such as Eid al-Adha, Eid-al-Fitri and Maulid-ul-Rasul. Hence, improvements intended to provide a perfect comfort for congregations to celebrate the greatness days of Islam and prayers. In addition, it is also intended to facilitate Muslims working together during the celebrations. For example to handle the qurban event and distribution of the meats to locals.

About Us

To ensure the upgrading of the E Siddiquiya Mosque going on smooth and neat, the students assist the mosque committee members to collect infaq given from various parties. The mosque is located less than 1 km from the students’ residential area and it became the main place for the students to run spiritual activities with local residents. 
This is a voluntary effort from Malaysian medical and dentistry students at Davangere as well as other students in some locality in India.
Davangere students consisting of dentistry and medical students that initiated the education session since 2008 at the three colleges which are Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College (JJMC) an institution offering medical course to students, as well as two dental institutions which are Bapuji Dental College and Hospital (BDCH) and College of Dental Science. Duration of study for the medical course is 5 years and a half while for dentistry is for 4 and a half years. The majority of students are Muslim and very active in activities organized by the mosque congregation.
Any further information can contact us by: 
1. Mail: dvgmasjidinfaq@gmail.com 
2. https://www.facebook.com/dvgmasjidinfaq
3. Syafiq Haziq-Mobile: +909902574575 (India) 
4. Mohd Amirul Ashraf-Mobile: +601116459393

Sunday, December 22, 2013

T e m p o r a r y

Life is just so ironic..
It takes sadness to know what
the happiness is..
Noise, just to appreciate the silence.
And absence to value the prensence..

But when u've started to realize,
everything is kinda late.
No more chances to get back
to the desired time,the time
that u wish for.

Because in this dunya,
nothing were meant to remain..

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why owh why?

That each time i was given chances
to do something,
i let them go? 

Currently on the verge of losing hope,
Because i myself ruined the chance
Ive supposed to have,
It's not that i put no trust in Him,
but if there's no effort Ive put into,
how can He give?

12hours left..

But still my mind insist on
rejecting what I am reading.

Phenomena apakah ini?
Esok exam lahhhhhhh

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Some words from me..

U can say that u have ur suffers.
U bumped into those intense pangs 
of grief a million times. 

U said u just couldn't bear it a lil 
while longer, but everyone shall 
taste the same cracks. 

Even i have felt how misery it was. 

The pain isn't created to exist forever.

Bleeding stops,
wound heals,
only scar remains.

And scar signifies u,
that u have cured from those 

There might be traces of meaningful
memories there, but that shouldn't
hold u back from smiling again.
There's no use to drag ur sadnesses
and turn ur whole world entirely into
the darkness all over.

Im not saying these for nothing.
I've felt it, n i've found that the best
remedy is to move on. 
Soon the pain will lose its stronghold
over u.

There are brighter days waiting
for ya ahead insyaAllah.
Just keep going.
And I will too :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cek mek owh cek mek


Wahh excited much bile jumpa sweet potatoes kat india ni. Lame kot mengidam nak makan cek mek.
Even ari tu kawan da buatkan time exam,
tp xcukup hahaha :D

So smlm, i grabbed it in a blink of eyes,
amek je bebanyak..balik tu terus rebus,
letak garam cket. Lenyek2, letak tepuk secukupnya, golek2 dan gorengg!

Walaupon jao dari uma,
I still can taste my fav kue ni.
Yet my mom's will always be
the best n being missed most.

Alhamdulillah :DD

    Dorg tengah tunggu turn kene rendam ngn minyak

    Ready to be fried!

    Keria cam donut lak :P

    Owh cek mek ku! :P

Wassalam ^^

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I met delphette!!!

What a coincidence! 
For the very first time i saw u last night 
haha kinda excited yet damn funny.

I had few photoshoot with her lol

Arcane legends is awesome haha